Australian aboriginals SOS: Michael Gunner warring on us, says Dalworth woman

3 years ago

Credit instagram's @brittney.888. This video must be prefaced by a historical outline of the Australian outback. The aboriginal people first noticed the administration of King George III after 7 February 1788, the date on which the penal colony of Sydney Cove was established; the Commonwealth of Australia was established in 1901 to govern the entire continent. The peace between aborigines and the convicts was marked by flareups such as the *Myall Creek massacre* on 10 June 1838; in that instance, colonial administrators hanged seven of 12 accused men for murder. The *Australian frontier wars* wiki page gives us a synopsis of events to date, and includes two paragraphs on the *Northern Territory*, the peace of which land has been fought bloodily as recently as 1933. Wiki informs us that no treaties have been signed between the colonial administrators and the aboriginals, and that the colonists rely on asymmetrical access to weapons in order to control the aboriginals.

Thus it is no surprise that this aboriginal woman remarks on the fact that the federal government of Scott Morrison sent his army to Michael Gunner in order to help subdue the aboriginal population. Gunner has clothed his rhetoric with concern for the aboriginal people, that they be provided the heaven-sent jab for their own good. Morrison was quick to accede and release his warhounds when he was palliated by this type of bafflegab by Gunner: it is by virtue of European science that the continent was won, and we can see the Gunnerian mind at work in his appeal to history.

Unfortunately, the woman - who does list several - identifies no settlements with which google maps is familiar. She terms this the "covid operation", in other words, the covid quackzine jab provides the cover necessary for the Gunnerite land grab.

At 0:35 we hear that "Children are being held and vaccinated against their will. Children from 11 (years of age) upwards are being held down and vaccinated." There are reports of starvation used as a vaccination tactic. The starvation tactic is simple: the Gunnerites have implemented a "vaccine passport" which is necessary to access food, for example at supermarkets. If you lack a vaccine passport, you lack access to food (unless you have grown your own or can rely on the local community to buy your food for you).

At issue here is whether the Gunnerians will write history as parens patria provides jab to the recalcitrant subhumans and oh by the way they died off soon thereafter for reasons which remain unclear. Or whether the international community will step in to remove Gunner because his scheme was so transparent and vicious that they were forced to act lest their entire edifice come crumbling down.

We see here the first documented use of vaccine passports as tactical advantage in a colonial war. Gunner will be lauded as the man who transformed the smallpox-infected blanketry for the 21st century. He eclipses Paul Bernardo such a mad genius is he.

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