MRNA/GMO Humans Can Be Patented- 4th Industrial Revolution- Havasu Patriot

3 years ago

In this 3 minute video from a recent Lake Havasu City Council meeting you will find a concise explanation of the Supreme Court ruling on C-DNA and how modified RNA (MRNA) is dragging your legal jurisdiction down from Natural Law and Common Law to that of a corporate (property) jurisdiction using Monsanto GMO seeds as an example.

This is all part of a larger push to modify natural humans to Human 2.0, or "Transhuman," a melding of human biology with technology known as The 4th Industrial Revolution. To do this without informed consent is a violation of the Nuremberg Code.

The Pandemic is a manufactured health crisis to depopulate large sections of humanity and enslave the rest using a perverse form of technological slavery.

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