where are you? Stew Peters calls out celebrities over Australian aboriginals SOS

3 years ago

Credit instagram @thisisagentace2050 with this gem from Stew Peters, which was broadcast 27 November 2021. Peters bookends the SOS call from the Central Desert branch of the Australian aboriginals with his own very original take on what needs to happen next. In Peters' world, Hollywood celebrities and NFL NBA and NHL superstars would notice the plight of the aborigines and unify their voices to demand either a stop to the certifiably insane policies of Michael Gunner and his Northern Territory administration, or a military invasion of said territory in order to put things right. It is good to see that Peters doesn't mince words.

Sandwiched between his commentary, Peters presents the entire five minute long SOS call, from 1:29 to 6:45. It was previously unseen on this channel, because I had access only to a two minute long snippet (posted below courtesy of another instagrammer on Friday 26 November). The full speech gives a little more context. We hesitate to call this genocide (like the aboriginals do here) only because the DNA toxicity of the quackzine jabs has not yet been fully established in the scientific literature. Nevertheless we remark that the Gunner administration is in violation of the Nuremberg Code, which was established at the Doctors' Trial in 1947, and which is one of the foundations of the post-war settlement under which the peace was established that has enabled civilization to flourish for more than three-quarters of a century.

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