Arizona Rising | Bryan Mache for Governor | Audit Rally September 24th 2021

3 years ago

As a Conservative Republican Candidate for Governor I am pleased to announce that myself and Steve Gaynor have both agreed publicly to support the Arizona People's Election Integrity Challenge.

As reported on Friday after the conclusion of the John Birch Society's luncheon there were some disagreements, arguments and discussions on the election process in Arizona and in regards to whether the elections are secured or not.

Several candidates for different offices as well as members of the public expressed deeply held concerns for what was going here in Arizona with regards to the 2020 Election, the Audit and what might happen in 2022.

In order to restore civility and lower the temperature in the room I took control and put forth for discussion the bill that the folks of Arizona want regarding elections. I publicly expressed my support for it and that if it was brought to my desk as Governor I would sign it. I am happy to report that when I challenged Mr. Steve Gaynor to sign on as well he with only slight hesitation at first decided to publicly lend his support as well.

Mr. Matt Salmon had already left the room so I did not have the chance to ask him at that time. Rest assured I will be asking all Governor Candidates to sign on as well. Subsequently all members running for Arizona House and Senate will be challenged to publicly support this measure as well. We are taking charge of our state and as a Candidate for Governor I am leading the charge amongst us for actual Election Integrity. Stay tuned for more updates as they come in....

Thank You All and God Bless,

Bryan Masche RN/MSN/MBA

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