Tucker Carlson Tonight 26 Nov 2021

3 years ago

This was an interesting episode. Tucker takes a look at the IIC regime in relation to previous president's first year during monumental F-ups.
Gerald Ford and the Fall of Saigon, JFK and the Bay of Pigs both occurred in the first year of their presidencies. Let's just say that the IIC (Brandon) isn't following this trajectory. VDH joins Tucker to discuss. Tucker shows several clips from the Marxist MSM shills telling us that inflation not only isn't so bad, it is actually a good thing. UNbelievable.
Larry Elder joins Tucker to discuss the vice IIC. This is cringeworthy (there is a A LOT of cackling) but is definitely worth watching.
After a long absence, Dr. Marc Siegel joins Tucker to talk about the "dog not barking"; what wasn't disclosed from the IIC physical exam.
Finally, energy drives everything in the economy and the price of energy is discussed with Mike Taylor of Combined Energy Services.
Great show.

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