No. 3 Flood Hit Chongqing, Causing An Thousand-year-old Town Be Flooded 長江第3號洪水過境重慶 磁器口遭淹沒

4 years ago

Heavy rain has battered central and southern #China over the past few weeks, causing widespread flooding. A third wave of severe flooding, referred to as the “No. 3 #flood,” hit #Chongqing on July 27, causing an ancient thousand-year-old town in Chongqing be flooded. Let’s take a look. 在過去的幾周里,大雨襲擊了中國中部和南部,造成了大面積洪水。 7月27日,長江2020年第3號洪水襲擊了重慶,導致重慶一個古老的千年古鎮被洪水淹沒。
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