A sea lion with strange eyes.

3 years ago

Strange-eyed California sea lion, Coronados Islands, Baja California, Mexico. Coronado islands
Their number in the modern world is high (according to US scientists, about 188 thousand individuals), and the population continues to increase by about 5.0% annually. California sea lions are distinguished by their ingenuity and the ability to adapt to various anthropogenic changes in the environment, even adult males (cleavers) easily acquire the skills to exist in it. Thanks to this, representatives of this species are typical actors in the performances of circuses, zoos and dolphinariums.
Due to the fact that seals spend part of their life on land, part in water and even under water, their eyes must see in all these areas of habitation. The eyes of seals are large, and their internal structure indicates the possible presence of binocular vision. The visual acuity of seals is at a fairly high level, both in water and on land.

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