Another Canadian Citizen Was Sentenced to Death in China 又一加拿大公民在中國被判死刑

4 years ago

One more Canadian citizen was sentenced to death by Foshan Intermidate Court on Aug. 7 in China following the other sentence made on Aug. 6. So far, four Canadian citizens in total have recently been sentenced to death. Wang Wenbin, Foreign Ministry #Spokesperson of the People’s Republic of China, claimed that "China governs the country following the laws." 繼8月6日之後,7日又一名加拿大公民被佛山中級法院判處死刑。近期,已共有4名加拿大公民在中國被判處死刑。中華人民共和國外交部發言人汪文斌聲稱,「中國是法制國家」。
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