DCEP: Digital Currency, Digital Control. Is the CCP Bracing for Complete De-coupling with the US?

4 years ago

#DCEP #DigitalCurrency #ElectronicPayment

Imagine one day we live in a society with no cash or coins. People no longer need a wallet, as all your money is in digital, or electronic form, and saved on your phone. Whenever you need to pay for something, you just need to swipe your phone. Maybe you’ll say: We are already doing that.
Well, what the Chinese Communist Party, the CCP, is rolling out in China now, is very different from what we are already doing. This so-called “DCEP”, or “ Digital Currency/Electronic Payment”, which the CCP is pushing, could completely change ordinary Chinese people’s lives and become a new powerful tool for the CCP to monitor and control Chinese people.

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