Today we are faced with NO CHOICE, but to End the Corrupt System.

3 years ago
Today we are faced with NO CHOICE, but to End the Corrupt System. Today we are faced with NO CHOICE but to End the Corrupt System! .
Parasites hide behind their corporations. Corporations employ puppets like Brian Mulroney, Paul Martine, Stephen Harper, in the Corporation of Canada.Inc In the Corporation of United States. Inc or the District of Columbia the Republics have also under this Un Agenda 21/30 Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and Jair Bolsonaro to serve rotational roles as villains in order to focus the unthinking masses on “two minutes of hate” against fleeting enemies, distracting us from the more fundamental forces behind our collective extinction. Our species has fallen victim to Gustave Le Bon’s horrific vision of unthinking crowds, divided against each other and incapable of thinking deeply. In this way we become so polarized that we are more inclined to accept global annihilation than to conceive of the possibility of changing the dominant systems of power. In this way, identity politics have rendered us incapable of perceiving objective reality, and so we deny apocalypse even as it rains down upon our heads.
In Canada, Australia, United States, and other Sovereign Nations all owned by a corporation. we bear witness to a tragical comedy of controlled opposition; two parties representing the same cause vie against each other in violent cultural battles, at the expense of the marginalized and to the profit of those few invisible hands who hoard the abstract figures of monetary games.
The United States or District of Columbia is one of the three cults of controlled opposition; the Republican Party marches uncontrollably toward a death urge, while the Democratic Party controls the public backlash through weakness, compromise, and incrementation. For hundreds of years they have have enslaved murdered , and so the cycle goes until there is nothing left but the burning wreckage of a plundered planet concentrated into the silos of a few hopeless bunkers inhabited by fictional billionaires on a dead planet.
This supposed resistance movement is made up of privileged members of society who drape themselves in the robes of moral superiority while simultaneously largely ignoring the facts. They are controlled opposition, with their marching orders from the same criminal system . Largely most of every rally , event, is 100 percent controlled, by the same parasites.
We are led to believe that street theatre, weekend marches, and media interviews are the fringe of rebellion. By framing the world this way, they are effectively controlled opposition. Joining their cause does much more than add us to government lists; it confines us within the predetermined boundaries of the death cults who are, at this very moment, leading us to global extinction.
In every Sovereign Nation parasites who want to maintain the corrupt system use the fake elections, to keep their power and authority. STOP VOTING !!!!! politics we are asked “will you vote Globalist 1 or Globalists 2” and in environmental activism we are asked “will you perform street theatre or deny global warming?” or now its Mask vs Hugs, Vaccine Canada Choice., end the Lock Down, We are all Essential, The Line, to control the protests.
Then we are bombarded by shills who are either part of the system to maintain it with corrupts B.A. R Attorned (lawyers) prompting endless distractions of court filings, to mention Rocco Galati who presents himself to uneducated Victims as a Constitutional Lawyer. or the other cons pushing their agenda of distractions while they steal millions in donations for their antics , to mention a few are Christopher J (warriors call selling common law distraction) Keven J Jonson, Chris Sky, Kelly Anne Farkus (Wolfe in a sheep's clothing) , Vladislav Soboley. There are list of others in their gang of distractions and deceiving millions.
Then use their Religions to again divide the people, Religions have been used to enslave us all for thousands of years, Artur Pawlowski is just another controlled opposition.
The restaurants or small business protests are also controlled Opposition. These distractions are used well to keep you going in circles
By controlling the opposition and defining the parameters of acceptable rebellion, the forces of death nullify our ability to meaningfully resist our own annihilation; they make us both the victims and the perpetrators of genocide.

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