Father Alexis Bugnolo Makes a Dark Prediction for What Is to Come In 2022

3 years ago

⚠️ Warning ⚠️ Very Dark Content

No one knows for sure what the future holds, but this is at least worth a listen in the event of the worst case scenario.

Father Alexis Bugnolo predicts 2 billion dead from the "death vax" in the next year and many more in the years afterwards.

He thinks that the immune systems of the vaccinated will be destroyed, causing them to die from trivial viruses like the common cold.

He warns the unvaxxed to disassociate themselves from the vaxxed as it is not known whether or not a kiss, cough, or saliva on the fork from a vaccinated individual can transmit this sickness onto the healthy.

He also thinks there is a satanic element to the elaborate plan as he says, "This is taking evil to a level we have never seen in the history of humanity that no human mind would have ever contemplated."

Take this message as you will, but keep continue to stay vigilant, well-informed, and take measures to protect you and your families for whatever is to come.

Much love,

The Vigilant Fox


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