Article 15 voted down.

4 years ago

My warrant article #15 was voted down.


We the People of Northfield, New Hampshire respectfully request that the Board of Selectmen requires the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to answer the following questions in common
language within the soonest time possible:

1. Where is the word “income” defined in the IRS code? According to former IRS
Commissioner Sheldon Cohen it isn’t defined anywhere within the code. [This is clearly
documented on video in Aaron Russo’s “America: Freedom to Fascism]

2. Where in the code is it written that the average American, who does not exercise a federal
privilege, but simply trades his time for money, is liable to pay the federal income tax?

3. Why have numerous IRS publications, IRS Directors, and U.S. Congressmen, among
others, stated that the income tax is “voluntary”?
This article is not recommended by the Selectmen or the Budget Committee.

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