Police House Raid in Adelaide. Hospital tried to kill him. Man is forcefully removed from his home.

3 years ago

The extensive entrapment and subsequent cover-up of what has happened to the man in this video could happen to ANY person, anywhere - there is no medical science involved, just political thuggery, bureaucratic corruption and ongoing lawfare to keep the man imprisoned.


5 weeks before the 'house raid' in this video, the man in the video went to the Royal Adelaide Hospital for pneumonia treatment and recovered after two weeks being there, but during the two weeks, the RAH said that he had brain damage and should be put on morphine to "peacefully pass away". Lorelei, the daughter, checked and saw the man fully conscious, speaking normally and moving normal so she smuggled in food into the RAH to keep him alive (the RAH forbid him being given food). Lorelei got caught once for giving him a cup of milk and the RAH called a 'code black' on her. The situation was so terrible that the man, already fully recovered from pneumonia, wanted to get a transfer to a private hospital, but the RAH blocked each transfer. He then discharged himself to go to another hospital for a checkup leading to the 'house raid'. The time that the man had recovered from pneumonia in the RAH was two weeks and so there was no medical reason for the man to stay in the RAH for a further 3 weeks. The RAH was getting paid by the man's private insurance at private hospital rates and so for 5 full weeks, the RAH made a lot of money out of him.

The RAH, quite literally, was trying to stave him to death so as to justify their 'passing away' decision. When he was back at the house, he was still suffering the effects of the morphine that the RAH had given him, but the paramedic at the house, without doing any mental capacity test, decided that he had lost mental capacity thereby getting SACAT to order a government guardian for the man. The paramedic skipped other guardian options, like the daughter who has a nursing qualification as an aged carer and was both 'primary carer' and 'next-of-kin' for the man, and so SACAT appointed a 'guardian of last resort' - a government guardian. There was no legitimate medical reason to take away his 'mental capacity' rights and other freedoms. The man was forcefully sent back to the RAH when he was happy to go to any private hospital seeing as his private health insurance allowed him to choose any hospital to go to.

The government guardian kept him locked up in the RAH for a further 5 weeks after the 'house raid' all-the-while the daughter continued smuggling food to the man because the RAH wouldn't feed him properly. The RAH continued to have him doped up on morphine so that when his SACAT hearing came up 3 weeks later to re-instate the emergency orders - he fell asleep during the hearing due to the morphine dosage so he couldn't argue his case in the SACAT hearing. This was a complete sabotage of his hearing by the RAH. Even at a later SACAT hearing held in November, 2019 the RAH lied about a Section 32 detention order to lock him in his bedroom so he couldn't attend the hearing in person to plead his case. It was only when the police, which on this occasion they acted lawfully unlike at the 'house raid' (they were different police officers from a different police station), that they told the RAH to let the man attend the hearing, the RAH finally let him go - it was another attempt by the RAH to sabotage his hearing. Since then, the government guardian has had the man locked away in a dementia ward at a nursing home (where he had been for the past two years) when he does not have dementia.

After the 'house raid' and the man having lost his legal 'mental capacity' rights, he then wrote to the RAH asking questions about why he was put on morphine/fentanyl and why were 'capacity tests' taken whilst on these drugs (these drugs seriously impair mental and cognitive activity, and so any 'capacity tests' are invalid)....but because he is under 'guardianship', he therefore has no 'authority' to ask any questions, hence the RAH just ignored his questions. Even when an FOI request was made for the information, including his medical files, the guardian didn't allow him to get the information. Keeping all the evidence away from the victim makes it near impossible for the victim to defend himself. Plus, he is trying to do all of this whilst locked away in a hospital bedroom and later in a dementia ward. The government has created a 'catch-22' situation whereby he is put under a guardian who then never lets him question or challenge why he was put under a guardian. He was secretly drugged on mirtazapine (kept off drug chart) to keep him dopey.

There was a Review of the SACAT 'emergency orders' (that the man have a government guardian and public administration over his estate), but SACAT simply rejected the Review hearing ever happening - this has happened on 2 occasions.

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