Matthew 19:1 - 20:16 Obeying God Is the Only Requirement

3 years ago


* Paul said that the law was added to what God had already done because of man’s sinful nature.

* One reason we need the Spirit so badly is to help us solve problems about which the Bible says nothing.

* God’s calling has nothing whatsoever to do with the will of man, as Paul said, “It is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God, who shows mercy” (Rom. 9:16).

* It is important to note, in the light of this generations’s spiritual condition, that Jesus did NOT say (in Matthew 19:17), “If you would enter into life, repeat Romans 10:9-10 after me,” or “If you would enter into life, join the church of your choice,” or “If you would enter into life, perform the appropriate ceremony,” but, “If you would enter into life, obey God [keep the commandments].”

* We all know that obedience to the will of God is a requirement for obtaining eternal life.

But the truth is more than that. The truth is,


* When you are asking God what to do, it is prudent to include a prayer for grace to be willing to do whatever God says.

* And every time you find that you have done the right thing, thank God for it!

* Ephesians 2:8 states, “You are saved by grace, through faith.”

Grace is God doing something.
Then, AFTER God has done something, if we respond, that is faith.

* In the way of salvation, God is the only actor; we are merely reactors.

* God calls -- we turn toward Him.
* God convicts -- we repent.
* God gives the Spirit -- we receive it.
* God commands -- we obey.

* No creature in heaven moves ahead of God; that only happens among people on earth.

* Nothing in God’s Kingdom is of the will or mind of man.

* Multitudes have felt things from God, but did not respond.

* Those who respond in faith to God are not only called; they are chosen. John said in Revelation that when Jesus returns to earth, “. . . those with him are called, and chosen, and faithful” (Rev. 17:14).

God help us be among them!

Scriptures referenced in this video:
(Scriptures are from the PJV version, found online at

Galatians 3:19
Deuteronomy 24:1-2
Romans 9:16
Hebrews 5:4
Isaiah 56:3-5
Mark 3:35
Acts 5:32
Hebrews 5:9
1John 2:17
Isaiah 7:14
John 14:16-23
Ephesians 2:8
Psalm 127:1
Matthew 23:15
Hebrews 11:39-40
James 1:22-25
Revelation 17:14

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