Registered nurse Melissa McKinney testifies: VAERS numbers are severely underreported

3 years ago

Registered nurse Melissa McKinney's testimony to the Louisiana Department of Health and Welfare (LDH) on November 8th, 2021.

She tells of severe clotting and bleeding disorders post-COVID vax. She's also seeing massive heart attacks.

Hospitals are not reporting adverse events. Doctor's won't even consider that severe adverse events are related to vaccination. Health care workers don't even know what VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) is or that they are required by law to report adverse events post-vaccination. This is the case for all departments and even for managers.

These people think that adverse events only happen within 15 minutes after the shot, so if you don't have an adverse event within that period, you'll be completely fine. The reality is that many people are fine initially, but then get severe adverse events within days to weeks.

The V-SAFE app is also junk, because there's only basic multiple choice answers and no comment section where you can place details about adverse events. This makes it seem that adverse events which are not mentioned in the multiple choice options don't happen, because they can't be reported.


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