71 Years Old Man Beaten to Death by CCP's ChengGuan/71歲中國老人被城管當街毒打致死,城管搶屍後否認暴行

4 years ago

A 71 years old man who disagreed with Some CCP City Management Executive Staff (So called "Cheng Guan") was beaten to death on the street right in front of a store. Cheng Guan claimed they didn't beat him up but they took the old man's body and refused to return it to the old man's family. The family has not been able to get justice even the body of their father. 一言不合,71歲老人就被城管拳打腳踢,當場打死在街頭。當地城府拒絕承擔責任,甚至搶走老人屍體,矢口否認城管的暴行,令其家人求告無門,甚至不能正常辦理老人喪事。

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