Call to Arms ; TARGETED INDIVIDUALS - who will guard the guards -NWO - enslavement of the human race

4 years ago

Call to Arms Call to Duty
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Call to Arms:
ALL #TI’s-,targeted individuals- those who have trespassed against us, causing chaos and havoc, illness, disease and sadly taken the lives of many of our friends and family. Even though we are thought for years for our own lives in our own rights in for the law-enforcement communities of the world and our families and friends to believe us as well as protect us in for them to fight for us into the end the gang stocking the terrorism the harassment bullying and everything else has been done to us nothing has helped we cannot turn it back on anybody now because they need us more than we need them we know with the gang stalkers and the terrorist can do we have witnessed it we have been put through it for years and the gang stalkers have done nothing besides Billy is into an army against them we know what they’re capable of we know how they do it. As the rest of society has their heads turned the other way this terrorist cell and these gang stalkers are walking up behind them and slitting her throat there’s been so much blood shed if they are ready to make their final push they are going for total domination and enslavement of the entire human race they are pushing for NWO New World order to the government for front as their plan to take down the entire power grid across the globe causing loss of life, famine, disease, no running water, autos, lights, plumbing etc essentially crippling each country and their armed forces, making the governments unable to function and to be overthrown very easily by smaller terrorist cells in each district.
ie: Look at the plans to kidnap the Governor of Michigan from her vacation home, and still cause mass damage to the capital building.

They have already claimed responsible for COVID-19 as well as multiple weather related occurrences of hurricanes tsunami‘s fires flooding drought etc. as you and I both know they sit here every day torturing us telling us 24 seven what they’re doing to me you and everybody else acting like we don’t hear them. They have been torturing us with the story for years stick to the script is what they keep yelling at each other each district each terrorist cell has been doing the same thing to you as they’ve been doing to me pretty much we know what you’re capable of and we need to stand up and fight to protect our country our families our military servicemen and women in our homes they have already taken multiple lives and they are very well planted in rooted into our governments with fake employees people personally and government officials lawn force meant police officers and every day citizens you and I both know it’s our time back so we have no other choice we need to protect the rest of the world even though they didn’t protect us we need to stand up for them even though they didn’t stand up for us the time is now and there’s not much time left I am asking that everyone please please start now inform everybody as long as you can contact your US representatives contact law-enforcement contact the FBI contact Brian Phillips at the Secret Service office in Cincinnati Ohio contact Cincinnati at FBI field office but make sure you contact homicide Detective Chris Wharton and Cincinnati and Detective Eric Wooten and Columbus OH.

Years ago, they refused to get the Government involved ( out of court settlement). refused to tell them what you were doing or what was capable of happening, These people straight out lied to attorneys and everyone else involved.

Then we’ll go from there. Never in my life did I ever think that this would be something that I would have to put my life on the line for or the reputation of myself and my family better we are no better than that now and we all know we have no the choice and God bless.

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