#172-173: Henry Patrick Reardon - To Take One's Stand and to Keep Watch

4 years ago

Why Christians are commanded to pray down curses upon their enemies. What's an imprecatory psalm? Why are we taught by Scripture to pray imprecatory psalms, but have largely excluded such prayers from our churches? How does psalm 5 point us to Jesus and culture simultaneously?

My God can beat up your god... What is the temptation when Christians assume that our enemies are God's enemies? How do we pray for and against ourselves at the same time? What's happened to our piety that we are afraid to make demands of God?

Christ in the Psalms - Patrick Henry Reardon https://amzn.to/3jNYDSN
Rule of St. Benedict http://www.archive.osb.org/rb/text/toc.html
PTSD Service Dogs https://www.ptsd.va.gov/gethelp/dogs_ptsd.asp
Clarence Thomas Hearing on Natural Law https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4l77rnlI8I&feature=emb_title
Chuck Colson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Colson

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