Epsom Salts, Banana Peels & Other Magic Fairy Dust for the Garden

3 years ago

Should you use Epsom salts for your garden plants? How about banana peels, rusty nails, egg shells, vinegar, raw fish, coffee grounds, biochar, aerated tea - do the magical-sounding claims around these garden amendments make any sense at all? In my view, beginning gardeners are often misled into focusing on a "miracle cure" rather than basic proven horticultural techniques. I don't like to play the debunker, but here are a couple of Youtubers who are pretty good at it:

Robert Pavlis (Garden Myths): https://www.youtube.com/c/Gardenfundamentals1

Ashley from the Gardening in Canada Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/NorthernPlanterFortheloveofplants

Oh and here's that link to the NPK's of various organic amendments: http://www.lundproduce.com/N-P-K-Value-of-Everything.html I don't see references, so take with a grain of Epsom salt

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