Thru Hiking the Tahoe Rim Trail with a dog! Episode 2

3 years ago

Shadowing the rugged peaks of the Carson Range, this trail segment weaves between the huge trunks of ancient firs and over sun-splashed granite outcrops. Ridge top crossings showcase panoramic views of the Tahoe Basin and Carson Valley. Open stands of Jeffrey pine alternate with the cool stillness of red fir forests and the cheerful rustlings of aspen groves. A diverse array of birds and small animals inhabit the area and alert hikers may catch a glimpse of marmots frolicking across boulders or coyotes and mule deer slipping between the trees.

From Spooner Summit (7150′), the trail switchbacks upward through fragrant conifers and across small meadows brightened in spring by the cheerful yellow blooms of mule’s ear. Nearby stand aspens whose broad trunks bear inscriptions carved long ago by lonely Basque Shepherds. A long traverse up the volcanic flanks of South Camp Peak (8866′) leads to the highest point on the segment (8830′) and a stunning view that sweeps across the entire length of Lake Tahoe. Along the descent to Kingsbury, dense woods occasionally part to reveal glimpses of sparkling water framed between the branches of lush firs. Just south of South Camp Peak, a dirt road crosses the TRT and rises steeply to the top of Genoa Peak (9150′), overlooking Carson Valley.

Follow me:

00:00 Intro
00:24 morning!
01:00 Kingsbury grade
01:30 first vista
01:50 Sunset over Stateline
02:19 Day 3!
02:53 Morning!
03:08 sticky situation
04:05 Genoa ridge vista
04:48 Trail Magic
05:50 the trail finds a way
06:53 Spooner Lake swimming
10:38 siesta is over
10:54 Spooner lake to Marlette Lake
11:19 Sunset
12:01 Sunset Timelapse

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