...Entrepreneurs Are From Venus | Mistweeted by Steve Faktor # 7D | The McFuture Podcast

4 years ago

Killer Mistweeted edition of The McFuture podcast featuring wisdom & wisecracks about #entrepreneurship, #success and #strategy for every entrepreneur, founder and freelancer. Please share & subscribe on YouTube (YouTube.com/IdeaFaktoryTV), podcast (http://TheMcFuture.com) & support on Patreon (https://patreon.com/McFuture), where Part 2: "...Entrepreneurs Are From Venus" is already up for members.

EPISODE CONTENTS (clickable timestamps):
00:04 Idea People vs Doers
01:16 How Eclecticism Kills Greatness
03:24 Heads. Must. Roll.
04:54 Employees Are From Mars, Entrepreneurs Are From Venus, Freelancers Are From Uranus
14:59 The One Question To Get What You Want
16:20 Why Only Repeat Business Is Good Business
17:56 Experience is the Last Line of Defense
20:50 The Greatest Mystery In Business
21:35 Why Digital Businesses Raise Prices & Why They Shouldn't
23:45 Will The Noise Innovators Please Stand Up? (Quietly)
24:30 YouTube's New Creativity+Commerce Merger Could Be A Huge Opportunity
26:00 The Secret Power of Unglamorous Entreprenurs
30:35 American Alchemy
31:23 The Most Profitable Word in History
32:20 A Legit Instagram Business Model
34:09 The Only Entrepreneur I Hate, Hate, HAAAAAAAAAATE!

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#innovation #economics #future #culture #technology #strategy #futurism

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