The Only Solution To The Great Reset

3 years ago

This man stated exactly what I have been saying for the last 5 years. I woke up to the huge corruption of lawyers and judges within our judicial system when I purchased a legal documents preparation franchise in the mid-1990's. Since that time I have been aware of the injustices in our judicial system and even more so in politics. Our USA government is made up of a huge number of criminal cells that continue to violate laws that impact public safety and violate human rights. There is a select group of people that feel they are better than everyone else and are entitled to rule the world. This group of people have been planning to implement their plans since the United Nations were formed. The last 30 years they have gained enough support to manipulate and influence enough governments with money to put their plans into action. The only peaceful way to stop their plans are to begin making arrests when local officials and leaders break our laws. We need to immediately start enforcing laws that violate human rights and local laws that violate the health and safety of the public.

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