FR Language Complexity - Part 3: Intelligent Design applied to Language, and Darwinian Fairy Tales

3 years ago

And now we connect biology and Michael Behe’s work tothe complexity of language, and the theories of its emergence. From physical apparatuses that serve multiple intricate purposes, to the connection between language and mind, we explore some of the questions that remain unanswered. And at the end, you get to hear a fairy tale… about how, according to Darwin, language emerged. It’s up to you to decide which theory seems the most plausible.


- (book) Michael Behe, Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution, Free Press, 2001.
- (article) W. Fitch, David Reby, “The descended larynx is not uniquely human”, 2001:
- (book) Michael Denton, “Evolution: Still a Theory in Crisis”, Discovery Institute, 2016.
- (book) Stephen Mithen, “The Prehistory of the Mind”, Thames & Hudson, 1999.
- (article) T. Fitch, “Musical protolanguage: Darwin's theory of language evolution revisited”, 2009. (On the occasion of Charles Darwin’s 200th Birthday)
- (video) What does Language Teach Us about Intelligent Design? - Dr. Paul Nelson

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