preservatism, my rebuttal to "conservatism" (YOU MUST DIY)

3 years ago

forwards = downwards
i can only assume society will burn in hell
most "families" are totally zoned out
"kids" have the big tv, "parents" have the small tv
only the informed get my jokes
have had to dumb my shit down
they don't even know that i am mocking them
so little awareness of themselves/society
left took over cos the right capitulated
had to come up with preservatism
technically all the channels involve pedos
it's just this one thing hahahaha
stopped watching netflix after louis ck fiasco
my fave part of the song right here
carlin's lost treasures
glorifying mass death (kinda like the cdc)
sep 10, 2001
did this bit the day before he got exactly what he wanted
comedians really are prophets
even carlin had discretion cos he cared about society
frank i need you now
frank's cartoon tribute of me taking a dump
raw pumpkin seeds, supposedly organic
i hope i can counteract their cancer
forgot what i was saying but i gotta go to work anyway

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