
2 years ago

Revelations 2:12 Is where a start…. As I'm reading the Chapter. I move to the battle the David won against Goliath. Then liken this to the win Jesus will gain when he lands. Honor by following GOD HIS WORD. I speak of war, swords, guns as with Satan to kill, as well as those who kill by medical means / virus or whatever. The white stone, I connect it to the light stone called the Black Rock of the Muslims. Jezebel is discussed who is a prophetess in a religion. and she is a murderess, and doesn’t repent of her adultery. I read the judgment on Jezebel. The capital of Asia, may not be the same abut like the city. Cultural and scientific, I liken this to China as they are tapping both of these for power. I share about the name changes into different cultures, that became forms of idolatry. I explain good from bad in judgment. Depths of Satan to overcome. To over come is to represent Jesus to gain GOD HIS honor. The bright and morning start is Jesus. Repentance is asked for by GOD. Those who repent will walk in white, or those who are not worthy not in white. GOD will speak as in the “sword of HIS mouth” against this church as they are obeying Satan. 2:14-17, who is good gets hidden manna and a white stone with a new name on it. Thyatira has the woman who is Jezebel as a prophetess who leads people into sexual immorality, and eating of what is sacrificed to Satan and teaches Satan his so called deep secrets. YOU are told not to learn this from her. She will suffer and lose her children to death, and unless those who are involved with her repent, they also will be judged. There’s a blessing to get through all of Revelations so will you continue to go with me? My record button push was taken and I need to record on something new, not using zoom. I did not know zoom was connected to China until they cut my record button.

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