"Pray for us!" Day 3. Lockdown. Austria. Wednesday, 24 Nov. 2021.

3 years ago

If you wish to support my work, please send Paypal donation to our all-purpose Email: BETHYESCHUA@GMAIL.COM

Or via our European IBAN: AT103312500000206417

Wenn Sie meine Arbeit unterstützen möchten, senden Sie bitte eine Paypal-Spende an unsere E-Mail für allgemeine Zwecke:

oder per IBAN: AT103312500000206417

To those who ask about the name of our email, "BethYeschua" (it is Hebrew for "HouseJesus", which is the name of our community, here in Austria, in the heart of Europe). We use to have a facebook account, but that, too, was removed by facebook.

Day 3. Lockdown. Austria. Wednesday, 24 Nov. 2021.

Yes, this was originally in Youtube, who censored (or removed) it with the following words:

"Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our medical-misinformation policy. We've removed the following content from YouTube:

"Video: "Pray for us!" Day 3. Lockdown. Austria. Wednesday, 24 Nov. 2021.

"Strike 1
"We know that this might be disappointing, but it's important to us that YouTube is a safe place for all. If content breaks our rules, we remove it. If you think that we've made a mistake, you can appeal and we'll take another look. Keep reading for more details.

"How your content violated the policy
"YouTube doesn't allow claims about COVID-19 vaccinations that contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO)."

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