Luciferase Luciferin 666 CRISPR DNA-modifier HEK293 HELA Quantum Dot

3 years ago

A saint wrote as follows:
" I have highlighted and underlined and cross referenced it with some of the patents that are within the master patent. Not only are you correct, but there is so much more. here is just some of what you will find Luciferin, Luciferase, chimeric antibodies, cDNA (which allows you to be owned see cross referenced supreme court ruling in the patent), CRISPR gene editing tech, Prions (a type of protein that can trigger normal proteins in the brain to fold abnormally. Essentially the brain eats itself. If you are familiar with the Mad Cow disease outbreak in Europe in the 80's that was prions disease), HELA cells (human tissue from a woman with cervical cancer in 1951), HEK293 (aborted fetal tissue), HIV, 66.6 ml of distilled phosphate buffer solution used to make the luciferin, moieties, bioluminescence, can cross the blood brain barrier, capable of communication, capable of wireless remote access, magnetofection, self-replicating rna, smart polymeric nanoparticles, location determination based on seismic or ultrasound waves, can reduce antibody response, can reduce T cells, Immunosuppression, specific allergy immune suppression, crossed referenced patents for Quantum dots, permanent magnets, and cellular targeting. And SO much more."

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