China Urges WHO to Scour US Military Biolab in Search for Covid’s Origins

3 years ago

"China Urges WHO, Scour US Military Biolab... Origins - Nov 24, 2021
** In a letter addressed to WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Chen reiterated Beijing’s position on SARS-CoV-2, which states that the Wuhan lab leak theory is an “extremely unlikely” scenario. The letter went on to ask the WHO to probe the lab at Fort Detrick, and to investigate research carried out by University of North Carolina professor Ralph Baric, suggesting that “if some parties are of the view that the ‘lab leak’ hypothesis remains open, it is the labs of Fort Detrick and the University of North Carolina in the US that should be subject to transparent investigation with full access.”"

Professor Boyle on Ft D... (previously posted here). THIS MAY BE WHAT THEY NEED!

Mike Adams interviews Judy Mikovits, worked there... (Fauci victim)

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