Dr. Paul Alexander - Speaker 2 at Nov 21 Asifa BP

3 years ago

Dr. Alexander is considered a global expert in Covid 19 and has published on the Covid treatment and related topics. He earned his Masters of epidemiology at the University of Toronto and his Masters of evidence based medicine at Oxford and earned his doctorate in Evidence-Based Medicine and Research Methods at McMasters University in Canada.
He is a former assistant professor in McMaster University in evidence based medicine and research methodology and has taught Clinical Epidemiology to masters and PhD students.

A former Covid pandemic evidence synthesis advisor to the WHO and PAHO in Washington DC 2020 and former senior advisor to Covid pandemic policy in HHS, the Health and Human Services in Washington DC.
Employed 2017-2019 at infection disease society of america as the evidence synthesis meta analysis systemic review guideline develop lead trainer.

He currently works with and helps several Covid 19 research groups out of the USA, Canada and elsewhere.

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