Off Topic Ep 90 Continued - Justine Gross, Kanter vs Lebron, Brittany Spears

3 years ago

​@VideoMattPresents continues his talks with the tribe about trending topics.
Off Topic Time Stamp Chapters
Chapter. 1 -Justine Gross [0:30]
Chapter. 2 - Lebron James vs Enes Kanter [5:00]
Chapter. 3 - Rittenhouse verdict [16:20]
Chapter. 4- Brittany Spears [31:49]
Chapter. 5 - Mason Clips [35:00]

Watch Off Topic Ep 90
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Money over Morals for the “King” 👑

Sad & disgusting how these athletes pretend they care about social justice

They really do “shut up & dribble” when Big Boss 🇨🇳 says so

Did you educate yourself about the slave labor that made your shoes or is that not part of your research?

#JustineGross #KyleRittenhouseTrial #LebronJames

LeBron James Hits Back At Opponent’s Sneaky Sneaker Criticism Of James, His Ties To Nike & Nike’s Ties To China

Dan Bilzerian Exits The Marijuana Business, Pivots To Tobacco, Plans Billion-Dollar Exit

#Bulletproof Young Dolph Shot At 100 Times in Charlotte

Penn State student from NJ dies in trash-chute plunge

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