Fauci: highly profitable remdesivir to be standard of care based on "proof of concept" 4/29/2020

3 years ago

Meanwhile it has been conclusively shown that remdesivir is both highly toxic and completely ineffective. Still it is being used in most hospitals. Why? Because it's highly profitable.

In the case of HIGHLY PROFITABLE drugs, no amount of 'evidence' is ever too little for the captured authorities, even if the medicine is unnecessary, highly toxic and dangerous. You just manufacture 'evidence' by running a fraudulent trial designed to succeed, doing some statistical shenanigans, etc. The authorities can acknowledge limited efficacy, toxicity and risk if pressed, but then say that the benefits outweigh the risks according to (highly conflicted) 'experts'.

For UNPROFITABLE drugs, no amount of evidence is ever enough for the captured authorities, even if the medicine is completely safe, cheap, and immediately available in near-unlimited quantities. Reason: cheap, safe, effective, available medicines outcompete expensive, toxic, dangerous, ineffective medicines, thereby killing pharma profits. Also, if you acknowledge that treatment and prophylaxis is available, it is forbidden to give an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), for instance for experimental genetic jabs.

For cheap, safe medicines or treatments, no risk-benefit analysis is ever done by the catpured authorities, because it would not benefit pharma interests. If the risk and costs are (almost) zero and the best alternative is unattractive, only the slightest hint of efficacy would already be sufficient to authorize a medicine if public health would truly be the highest priority.

Note: for medicines that are already fully authorized for a certain indication, no new authorization is required for a new indication, since the medicine can always be prescribed off-label. This is very common. Now we see the government inserting themselves in the physician-patient relationship and prohibiting physicians to do their Hippocratic Oath. Remember, doing nothing is a form of doing harm if the patient needs to have something done. Prescribing toxic ineffective medicines like remdesivir, is also a form of doing harm.

Now the government is threatening doctors and taking away their licenses for them doing their job. The government is also running massive disinformation on the extreme 'dangers' of medicines that have perfecte safe for many decades and billions of doses, such as hydroxychloroquine and 'anti-parasitic horse medicine' ivermectin.

The FDA is in the business of a being a cheer leader for highly profitable drugs and being an attack dog against unprofitable repurposed drugs (and all doctors who dare to prescribe or recommend them). Big Pharm want to design all treatment protocols in accordance with their own interests. They also want all doctors to be required to follow these protocols.

In the video, Fauci touts the AIDS 'medicine' AZT, but AZT does not CURE or PREVENT AIDS. Instead is CAUSES AIDS. It is a chemotherapy drug that is designed to shut down the immune system. Read dr. Peter Duesberg book ‘Inventing the AIDS Virus’.


Partial transcript:
The data shows that remdesivir has a clear-cut positive significant effect in diminishing the time to recovery. This is really quite important for a couple of reasons and I'll give you the data. It's highly [statistically] significant. If you look at time to recovery being shorter in the remdesivir arm, it was 11 days compared to 15 days. That's a p-value for the scientists who are listening of 0.001. So that's something that, although a 31% improvement doesn't seem like a very important knock-out 100%, it is a very important proof of concept, because what it has proven is that a drug can block this virus. I'll give you an example in a moment of why we think this is very optimistic.

The mortality rate trended towards being better in the sense of less deaths in the remdesivir group. 8% versus 11% in the placebo group. It has not reached statistical significance, but the data needs to be further analyzed.

The reason why we’re making the announcement now is something that I think people don’t fully appreciate. Whenever you have clear cut evidence that you have a drug that works, you have an ethical obligation to immediately let the people in the placebo group know so that they can have access and all of the other trials have a new standard of care.

We would normally have waited several days until the data gets further ... dot the i and cross the t, but the data are not gonna change. Some of the numbers may change a little, but the conclusion will not change.


Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVtLcdi9O70

Highly recommended: read Robert Kennedy Jr's new book 'The Real Anthony Fauci'. https://amzn.to/3nlSr8X

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