Scott Morrison Booster (Number 84)

3 years ago

Barack Hussein Obama.
Born August 4th 1961 (84)
The 216th Day of the year of a 365 calendar day year
216 = 6x6x6
Wikipedia Number 216
Revelation 13:18 King James Bible.

First Australian to receive the experimental Gene Therapy Pfzier was 84 year old Jane alongside Scott Morrison for their 1st shot NSW.

3 weeks later.

84 Year old Jane and Scott get 2nd shot Pfzier 14th March 2021 NSW

+ 8 Months 4 Days (84) Obama

= 84 Year old Jane and Scott get 3rd shot (Booster) NSW
19th November 2021

Friday 19th November 2021 NSW New CV19 Cases (216)

Movie Pi Faith In chaos = 84 216

Time normally between second and third jab is meant to be 6 months.

Morrison and 84 year old lady get fake shot to the "number of his name"
Obamas birth numbers because of Masonic ritual to the god of freemasonry, Osiris, Horus, Apollo, Baal, Molech, Baphomet, Devil, Satan Lucifer made flesh.
Barack Hussein Obama.

Google. Band Big Brother 84 album Lucifer. Check out photos of Obama in a white shirt as a comparison to album cover.

Covid 19 and Vaccines is DEATH a mass sacrifice to the Globalist leader of the New World Order.

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