Cataclysm Mount Guide - How to get Easy, Rare, Achievement, Dungeon, & Raid Mounts

4 years ago


0:00 Introduction
0:15 Spectral Wolf, Spectral Steed, & Drake of The East Wind
1:05 Brown Riding Camel & Tan Riding Camel
1:52 Vashj'ir Seahorse
2:18 Subdued Seahorse
2:46 Grey Riding Camel
3:46 Phosphorescent Stone Drake
4:51 Dungeon & Raid Achievement Mounts
5:24 Flameward Hippogrpyh
6:12 Amani Battle Bear
6:42 Drake of The North Wind
7:18 Drake of The South Wind
7:42 Flametalon of Alysrazor & Pureblood Firehawk
8:20 Experiment 12-B, Life Binders Handmaiden, & Blazing Drake
8:53 Outro

If you don't have the addon tomtom I highly recommend you download it so you can use the coordinates I've provided below. Here is the link:

I also recommend the addon paste to help you paste all the coordinates, it'll apply the all the coordinates to your map as well. Here is the link:

Camel Spotter Addon:

Silver Dragon Addon:

Orgrimmar Tol Barad Location:
/way 47.5, 39.4

Pogg Hellscreams Reach Quartermaster (Tol Barad Zone):
/way 54.5, 81.0

Stormwind Tol Barad Location:
/way 73.4, 18.4

Brazie Baradin Wardens Quartermaster (Tol Barad Zone):
/way 72.6, 62.6

Adarrah Ramkahen Starting Questgiver (Tanaris Zone):
/way 30.4, 65.5

Blacksmith Abasi Ramkahen Quartermaster (Uldum Zone):
/way 54.0, 33.2

Commander Thorak Horde Vashj'ir Starting Questgiver (Durotar Zone):
/way 55.8, 12.2

Recruiter Burns Alliance Vashj'ir Starting Questgiver (Stormwind):
/way 27.6, 24.2

Poseidus Spawn Locations (Vashj'ir Zone):
/way Shimmering Expanse 65.8 41.4 Poseidus
/way Shimmering Expanse 65.4 41.4 Poseidus
/way Shimmering Expanse 58.4 82.2 Poseidus
/way Shimmering Expanse 57.0 83.4 Poseidus
/way Shimmering Expanse 56.8 81.0 Poseidus
/way Shimmering Expanse 46.6 50.0 Poseidus
/way Shimmering Expanse 45.8 48.2 Poseidus
/way Shimmering Expanse 45.4 49.8 Poseidus
/way Shimmering Expanse 45.6 51.0 Poseidus
/way Shimmering Expanse 39.6 68.2 Poseidus
/way Shimmering Expanse 38.8 68.8 Poseidus
/way Abyssal Depths 41.6 73.2 Poseidus
/way Abyssal Depths 40.0 74.2 Poseidus
/way Abyssal Depths 40.4 76.0 Poseidus

Grey Riding Camel Figurine Spawn Locations (Uldum Zone):
/way Uldum 50.47 31.54
/way Uldum 52.23 28.04
/way Uldum 45.24 16.04
/way Uldum 34.32 19.63
/way Uldum 34.38 21.27
/way Uldum 33.68 25.38
/way Uldum 33.23 28.09
/way Uldum 29.90 24.90
/way Uldum 29.85 20.45
/way Uldum 31.96 45.29
/way Uldum 32.73 47.63
/way Uldum 25.40 51.07
/way Uldum 24.44 59.96
/way Uldum 22.09 64.06
/way Uldum 25.59 65.89
/way Uldum 26.27 65.09
/way Uldum 28.51 63.74
/way Uldum 30.61, 60.50
/way Uldum 30.42, 62.67
/way Uldum 30.99, 66.37
/way Uldum 30.98, 67.52
/way Uldum 31.50, 69.26
/way Uldum 33.21, 72.04
/way Uldum 33.27, 67.78
/way Uldum 33.20, 62.83
/way Uldum 33.08, 60.13
/way Uldum 37.13 64.08
/way Uldum 38.28 60.70
/way Uldum 38.49 54.93
/way Uldum 40.84 49.75
/way Uldum 39.97 45.00
/way Uldum 40.10 43.40
/way Uldum 40.16 38.41
/way Uldum 46.25 44.58
/way Uldum 48.17 46.40
/way Uldum 51.80 49.34
/way Uldum 51.03 50.80
/way Uldum 50.48 50.65
/way Uldum 51.47 51.16
/way Uldum 52.14 51.21
/way Uldum 51.92 70.81
/way Uldum 50.42 72.22
/way Uldum 50.24 73.67
/way Uldum 49.13 75.91
/way Uldum 47.28 76.69
/way Uldum 51.14 79.79
/way Uldum 73.44 73.61
/way Uldum 69.87 58.13
/way Uldum 72.02 43.88
/way Uldum 64.66 30.27

Aeonaxx Spawn Locations (Deepholm Zone):
/way Deepholm 55.05 54.11 East
/way Deepholm 53.72, 39.71 Northeast
/way Deepholm 49.12, 55.60 Center
/way Deepholm 43.00, 50.79 West
/way Deepholm 50.50, 63.50 South
/way Deepholm 42.00, 43.60 Northwest

Ysera (Mount Hyjal Zone):
/way 62.0, 24.9

Matoclaw (Mount Hyjal Zone):
/way 27.2, 62.5

Zul'Aman Entrance (Ghostlands Zone):
/way 82.1, 64.3

Zul'Gurub Entrance (Northern Stranglethron Zone):
/way 72.0, 32.9

The Vortex Pinnacle Entrance (Uldum Zone):
/way 76.7, 84.4

Throne of the Four Winds Entrance (Uldum Zone):
/way 38.4, 80.5

Firelands Entrance (Mount Hyjal Zone):
/way 47.8, 77.8

Dragon Soul Entrance (Caverns of Time Zone):
/way 62.2, 28.2

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