8 Famous Failures before success | Motivation and inspiration (part 1)

2 years ago

#motivation #inspiration #happiness #success #failure #famousfailures

List of successful famous people who experienced massive failure at one point in their lives, but never gave up and built their way to success.

Those people are:

Lionel Messy
At age 11 he was cut from his team after being diagnosed with a Growth Hormone deficiency which made him smaller in statue than most kids his age

Meryl Streep
After failing to land a role, she nearly gave up on acting when a director called her "too ugly".

Oprah Winfrey
Lived in extreme poverty, was sexually abused from the age of 9, got pregnant at 14 years old and fired from her first job for being "unfit for television".

Albert Einstein
Had the label "mentally slow" put on his permanent school record. He wasn`t able to speak until he was 4, and he couldn`t read until he was 7. His parents and teachers worried that he might be mentally handicapped and said that "he would never amount to much"

Steven Spielberg
Was rejected from film school three times.

Walt Disney
Was fired from his job at a newspaper early in his career - they said "he lacked imagination and had no good ideas"

Elvis Presley
Was told after his first performance "You ain't going nowhere, son. You ought to go back to driving a truck."

Winston Churchill
He did poorly in school, his parents ignored him, he stuttered and spoke with a lisp. They called him a disappointment and a boy of "low intelligence".

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