Genocide of native Australians in the Northern Territories

3 years ago

Australia begins covid ETHNIC CLEANSING with military roundups of indigenous people… junk science “sewage” testing used to imprison entire communities at gunpoint

From Facebook:

Firstly, I want to acknowledge and pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Looks like Dictator-Dan has just lost his place as #1 Tyrant in Australia.

This is a horrendous abuse of power and perfect example of a war crime in the hope of genocide.

Not only are they surrounding smaller remote Aboriginal communities and then holding down unwilling people to be injected as they scream and cry, they are also hunting them down in the bush and targeting intoxicated people while they are passed out at bus stops.

And now they are open about kidnapping people and taking them to quarantine camps.

They are also locking people on their homes and not allowing them to leave for food.

Yesterday it came out that 27 elders have died after getting the 2nd dose.

I work in the Aboriginal community and know first hand just how hard they are going at targeting First Nations.

They hold the key to collapsing the bullshit corrupt system that has us all enslaved, this is why the government are doing everything they can to wipe them out.

Please make this information go far and wide.

We all need to get on board and help our First Nations brothers and sisters and particularly the Elders.

They have already endured an atrocious genocide on their people, let’s make sure it doesn’t happen again

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