3 years ago

Many people complain when they they have witnessed voter fraud. Courts, news agencies, and law enforcement, for the most part (not all) do nothing about voter fraud, but attempt to sweep it under the rug as if it never existed. This leaves TRUE AMERICANS with the feeling of powerlessness. You and I desire to see that justice is done, but there is nothing we are able to do about it, that is until now. As you are well aware, the bolsheviks/democratic party will never allow this method to see the light of day. The bolsheviks/democrats have a strangle hold on our courts and law systems. So what must we do to accomplish fair elections? We must first spread the word by sending copies of this speech to everyone you know. Convey this to your local, state, and government Representatives. If they are not willing to further this agenda or water it down, then we, the AMERICAN PUBLIC must petition your state to put on the ballot, to establish this procedure as LAW! Some express the penalties are too harsh. Where in fact, we are striving to maintain our REPUBLIC'S integrity. Don’t do the crime, you won’t do the time! Let’s get off our butts to accomplish something constructive! You have only yourself to blame if you do nothing except weep and moan!

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