Find Local American Made Products Online 🇺🇸 - Cultivate CEO Harsh Khurana

3 years ago

Check out Cultivate at the links below:

Harsh Khurana, the CEO of Cultivate, a browser extension and shopping app with a mission to help businesses that are manufacturing goods locally, joins Alex on the show. The two discuss how Khurana launched Cultivate in 2020 during a time in which small American businesses were struggling. Harsh tells the story of how he secured funding from Shark Tank star and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban through a cold email and him and Alex explore some ideas on why large tech platforms seem hesitant to promote American products and manufacturers.

Originally Aired: 11/23/21
#Cultivate #MadeInUSA #SmallBusiness

Cultivate was founded with a mission to help businesses that are manufacturing goods locally to generate more sales, positively impact local economic growth, and in-turn, create more jobs for our families, friends, and neighbors.

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