4 years ago

As you’ll hear in my message today, PJTN is issuing an urgent call across our nation for PJTN Watchmen to mobilize.

Now as never before, we as Christians, Jews, and patriotic Americans are facing the very real threat of losing our children and our nation to a culture that no longer honors our values or our history. How did it happen? While Americans slept, those whose desire it was to change our values and erase our history, never slumbered—never tired in their efforts of infiltrating our children’s schools with textbooks filled with anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Judeo-Christian propaganda. They have never grown weary in their attempts to remove God from America, weakening our culture until evil is now considered good, and good is considered evil. The threats are new everyday. California is now introducing an ethnic study course that literally erases the Jews from history and we face the very real possibility of this material crossing the nation unless we act,

The real victims: Our children. We have lost several generations already. We have seen how young Americans who hate their country, rally that hatred in our streets. These are the remnants of what might have been a legion of young patriots had they been taught the values and virtues woven into the history of America. We are seeing the ill fruits of this tragic loss.

PJTN is offering a way YOU can make a difference! We must stand up and declare “NO MORE!” I am calling for a national mobilizing of concerned citizens to engage right where you are—on the local level. As I’ve shared in today’s video, ours is a national campaign to educate, motivate and activate America’s parents and citizens on the dangers our children face in our nation’s classrooms.

Our resounding message: “We have to take back American education on the local level –county by county—state by state --parents/citizens must step up and become aware and involved—know what your children are being taught, run for your local school board, share the message with other parents and like-minded citizens. Our children are America’s greatest national resource and the agenda of the left is to completely erase from the minds of our future leaders, the rich history of our country, and why America is worth fighting for. With that loss goes our freedom, our next generation of leadership in this nation, and our future as one nation under God.

“Taking Back America Children” –National Town Hall Meeting: I will in the next several weeks be announcing new communications from PJTN. A national podcast to help encourage and mobilize a plan. A national “Town Hall Meeting” on our teleconference platform to bring together concerned Americans with a message to take back their community education at the local level. Please share this message, forward this email and encourage friends and family to engage with us.

We must not fail. We must not be silent.

#takingbackamerica #liberalpropaganda #leftistindoctrination #conservativeeducation #conservativewoman #conservatives #takingbackamericaforgod

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