End Of Time ? Nibiru - 2nd Sun - Planet-X

3 years ago

Many Ancient Scriptures and Drawings all have THE SON Had a Brother. A Twin. Well it looks like Nibiru / Planet-X / THE 2nd SUN is returning.
Many have said the reason for this Great Reset Happening now and huge DE-Population Cull about to happen before the end of 2023 is to hide what is really coming our way.
You really think the LAME-stream-media and Tell-Lie-Vision is going to tell you we might be about to be wiped out.
We know for a FACT that when this "object" gets closer and passes us... All HELL is going to break loose on Earth.
The 2 -3 Days it will take for TRUE & MAGNETIC Norths to realign - not many will get through the Biggest Global Storm since Ancient Times.
Seas will rise across the PLANE-T, there will be a NEW Coast line world wide. Monsters from the deep- never seen before will come out of the Ocean. - Fires - Floods - Tornadoes and up to 300 MILE an hour winds.
Unless you are inland - on high ground - and then UNDER GROUND for those 1 -2 -3 days the mega storm could last - you will not survive.
If you want to live your best life before you get culled off .... Crypto is the answer... go out and really live... might be your last couple of years to do that.
The CULL that is happening now is to get rid of more people than they want to look after - after the Great Storm. They dont want free thinking people either.... so the Un-Vaxxed are about to get moved to Death Camps where they can keep you forever, no independent reviews to release or even REVIEW people within these concentration death camps. They are going to starve the population with a fake food shortage they will create.
AND the US stock market is about to SH!T itself... causing supply chain problems World-Wide...
The Great Depression is about to look like a nice picnic in the park !!!
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