EP 32 - Unraveling the Mystery of Net Lease vs. Multi-Unit Investment Real Estate

3 years ago

One of the most common questions we get from our podcast listeners, especially in today’s crazy, fast-paced real estate market, is what type of investment real estate should I buy? Should I buy single-family residential properties (SFR), multi-family residential apartment properties (MFR), or some type of commercial real estate such as office, retail, industrial, etc? If I sell unimproved vacant land, what can I reinvest in? Should I invest in active management or go with passive management investment real estate such as net lease properties, syndicated tenant-in-common properties (TICs) or Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs)? We’ll unravel this mystery in this episode of Go Ahead, ASK! Podcast.

Email your 1031 Exchange questions to ASK@exeterco.com and we’ll address them in our next episode.

William L. Exeter
Chief Executive Officer
Exeter 1031 Exchange Services, LLC
(619) 239-3091

Special Guest:
Mike Bertelson
(714) 488-8775

Bryan Pore
(714) 600-2577

#TheExeterGroup #Exeter1031 #WilliamLExeter #1031Exchange #MikeandBryanTheTripleNetGuys #MikeBertelson #BryanPore #NetLease #NNN #SingleFamilyResidential #SFR #MultiFamilyResidential #MFR #TenantInCommon #TIC #DelawareStatutoryTrusts #DSTs

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