Lent Midweek 1 (Samson) - February 24, 2021

4 years ago

This Lenten season we will be looking at the martyrs of the Bible, those who gave their lives in love and service to their Lord. We will hear the stories of the prophets of the Old Testament and the apostles of the New who were faithful unto death and received the crown of life.

The stories of the martyrs don’t end there, of course. In every time and in every place the people of God have suffered and died at the hands of God’s enemies, even to this very day.

These stories of the martyrs are meant to inspire us and encourage us to remain faithful regardless of the cost. They were ordinary men and women like us, and we all must be ready to face the anger and the attacks of God’s enemies. When we see them standing up in the face of violent opposition, it gives us the courage to stand with them and with our Lord, even if it means that we must suffer.

These stories of the martyrs are meant to inspire us and encourage us to remain faithful regardless of the cost. They were ordinary men and women like us, and we all must be ready to face the anger and the attacks of God’s enemies. When we see them standing up in the face of violent opposition, it gives us the courage to stand with them and with our Lord, even if it means that we must suffer.

The word “martyr,” is from the Greek word meaning “witness.” The actions of the martyrs bear witness to their faith and trust in God.

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