What Gospel is the President of the Southern Baptist Convention teaching?!

4 years ago

President of the Southern Baptist Convention for suggesting that “God has not called us to save America”!

The truth that any one nation is just one generation away from decline needs no other example than the children of Israel. The “exodus generation”

rebelled against God and died in the wilderness. The new generation born in the wilderness had been taught by Moses with the same Torah covenants with which he had instructed their parents. Moses passed on the mantle of leadership to Joshua and the nation seemed poised to inherit the blessings God had promised his people. But in Judges 2:11 comes foreboding: “Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord…they forsook the God of their fathers who had brought them out of the land of Egypt and they followed other gods from among the people around them, provoking the Lord to anger.”

What happened? In the space of a few decades, the children of Israel neglected a fundamental precept of spiritual transference of blessings on their nation: They failed to train their children in the ways of the Lord (Proverbs 22:6). The generation-to-generation teaching from parent to child of their history was essential, lest God's presence and faithfulness fade from the nation’s collective conscience. Tragically, Israel forgot their origins. Judges 2:7-10 tells us of the downfall that happened after the instruction of Moses and Joshua’s generation faded: “…another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which he had done for Israel.”

America, this is where we find ourselves in 2021. A major push is around us in every direction—a push to erase our history—and with it God’s involvement with our nation. A nation with no roots and no moral compass can be easily toppled. Our founding documents were rooted in covenant with God and the wisdom of Torah and with it came His blessings. Those who would destroy America have worked generation to generation to erode the fabric of our country and erase the God of our Founding Fathers. Today we are seeing in our streets the results of a generation who do not know God nor the work He has done for America. Much of the blame can be laid at the feet of America’s educational system. Sadly, the Christian churches of America are also at major fault for not truly leading from the pulpit.

History cannot—and must not be erased in America. Nor can we allow it to be rewritten. We must learn from it. We must be the remnant of those who “remember” God and instruct our children. We must, at all cost, take back America’s children!

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