Population cull in Canada: Quackzine stillbirth crisis comes to light after Dr Nagase speaks up

3 years ago

CALL TO ACTION. In this video, a woman reporter from "Freedom Central" interviews Dr Daniel Nagase at the Calgary instance of the Worldwide Freedom Rally on 20 November 2021.

Here he tells the reporter that a medical colleague in Vancouver told him that the doulas at the Women and Children's Hospital birthing clinic there recorded 13 stillbirths in a 24 hour period.

Statscan tabulates "Live births and fetal deaths (stillbirths), by type of birth (single or multiple)" [2,3]. The five-year rolling average **for all of Canada** was from 2016: 227, 193, 184,199, 225. In other words, in 2020 stillbirths numbered 225 in all of Canada. Statscan reports that roughly 200 stillbirths can be expected from Canadian mothers in a given year.

Dr Nagase further reports that in Waterloo Ontario there were 86 stillbirths in the six-month period between January and July 2021. This is more than a hundred-fold rise in the statistics, which in previous years averaged out to five or six every year. That means for six months we might ordinarily expect three or four stillbirths. AND EVERY ONE OF THESE EXPECTANT MOTHERS WAS FULLY VACCINATED.

Dr Nagase calls for everyone to pitch in and sort out Freedom Of Information requests across the country. All medical professionals (doctors, nurses, unit clerks) to leak the statistics "because we know that if we ask the public health authorities to start printing out the statistics they will refuse. And that is absolutely criminal."

Dr Nagase points out that the public health authorities would be in an untenable position were the owners-taxpayers of the system to have control of the system's manager-administrators. As a parenthetical note, when the Crown Corporation system was in its ascendance for the first hundred years of Canadian history, the administrators "served at pleasure", and would be promptly dismissed were any problems detected of similar magnitude to the present monstrously repulsive situation.

Dr Nagase is livid because of the information asymmetry that has been allowed to fester in the Canadian system. Maybe you should be too.

Credit instagram's @kristen_nagle, who is incidentally the first Canadian nurse casualty [0,1] in the open spiritual war that was prompted by the outbreak of covid19 virus.

[0] https://globalnews.ca/news/7583087/london-ont-nicu-nurse-washington-d-c-fired-with-cause/

[1] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/kristen-nagle-fired-lhsc-1.5878692

[2] 10.25318/1310042801-eng

[3] https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1310042801

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