Making History Part 16

3 years ago

Starting this video from November 2019 as I continue the Making History series of highlighted shorts from videos I made from 11/24/2019 to 1/4/2020

I saw cats but did not know the range the first time and mistook it for an alley cat at 75 yards when in fact it was 150 yards away and a good size cougar 3 feet long not including the tail

Then I did not have any ears I could find when a bobcat came running thru actually had to turn on the truck interior lights to find them and by that time the cat was too far away

I had shot that 308 one time before with no ears and that was all it took to know not to ever shoot it with no ears ever again in my life as it was louder than loud LOL

Usual skunks and other raccoon's making a dash for something then lots of fire works on the 4th of January videos sums up the last of 2019 and the start of 2020

That was funny that one raccoon went running away as fast as it could then came back with four others an hour and a half later LOL

Weather is still messing me around in that it is too windy raining snowing or all three every time I even try to think about going back to the farm but need to get back to sight in some new ammo and try some more hunting

I have let it rest for a month since killing that last hog so no telling what I will find on the game cam this time around but hope it is hogs that came back to the feeder

Wonder what the weather will be like in April of this year also for turkeys but time will tell

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Title: Club
Artist: Andrew Huang

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