Kid felled by quackzine at clinic in post-jab observation period

3 years ago

We hope this young man is ok, but from the preponderance of evidence it was likely (rapid onset) myocarditis or pericarditis and we know those "side effects" can kill, as was the case for Sean Hartman (elsewhere on my playlist). This kid dropped like a sack of hammers, so he might have smashed teeth or a broken nose.

It is unknown where this video was recorded (at school? at the doctor's office?) and in which location (China? the US? Spain?). The language of the text overlay is Spanish but that is a shaky ground on which to base any conclusion. One thing's for sure: It definitely didn't occur in Canada because no one wears shorts in November; and the windows are all shut tightly now.

Credit instagram's @dr.maria_j with this find.

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