So I Heard You Like Grids :) by Bweyg - Creeper World 4

3 years ago

Don't forget my Discord link below as I am trying to be online more with my Discord server and stream in the evening, time permitting. Shout out to Giles Plays Games for mentioning my channel in his video of this map!! You rawk brother! Go check his channel for some great content.

Bweyg, you rock as well! Love your maps and I am glad you like my videos!

Well... What can I say? A gauntlet was thrown down and I was called out! So I Heard You Like Grids by Bweyg is a fun map that looks like a grid but is not grid friendly. But by god, I made it fit my grids, to a fault I made them fit. ;) This is a very simple and straightforward map. Skimmers need a few snipers to fix. A few spore launchers need a few missile launchers to protect your rear areas. Cannons and mortars to march through the creeper. There are limited units in this map, a single thor, bertha, and sweeper. FYI, a sweeper runs and shoots a beam that cuts creeper down to a specific height. Anything above that gets vaporized. Great map and a fun map for players of all abilities.

For the record, I have no plans at all to close my channel... ;) Grids or lack thereof, no way no how. XD

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