3 years ago

On 3 December, the country will leave behind the alert level system which has been in place since early 2020 and move into the traffic light system

Fully vaccinated people can enjoy all events and hospitality and gatherings by showing a vaccine certificate

Jacinda Ardern said .. the most important thing to communicate about the traffic light system was "for the most part, if you're vaccinated, you can go about doing all the kinds of things you'd usually expect ... what varies is just how large those gatherings are at different levels".

The system will involve three settings - green, orange and red.
Vaccine levels will play a key determining factor for which regions go into red and which go into orange

It appears not one region will go to into green for sometime yet, however Auckland will remain in Red for quite some time to come.

Borders, boundaries whatever you call them, are used to control your movements, where you can and cannot go.

This is medical aparteid, medical discrimination and violates all our basic human rights nationally and internationally. It is medically, physically, emotionally and mentally abusive.

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