over here there's a party i must attend to (piano punk on mental spillness)

3 years ago

take up a lotta space no matter the place (very small)
so quiet that you forget i was even here at all
pissing them off reminding them i'm still around
looking forward to this fambly get-together (it's a joke)
gotten better at holding my tongue when i don't need to be offensive
everything i say/do is offensive to those who don't think things thru
don't think about stuff like practicality
i'm my boyfriend, Jesus is my boyfriend
who's gonna die on a cross for me? not nobody!
you're always alone no matter how much you lie to yourself
not just saying that to make myself feel better
glad that they have that, over there
nobody's invited but me
i was right about the world all along
social structure they're so used to, downfall of society
don't need anything/anyone but my God
very few could hold this gift and know what to do with it
in spite of that vagina/out of spite of that vagina
very few people in gen cos everyone is a woman now

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