"What Weeds Teach Us", (1st Tim 6:3-10), 2021-11-21, Longbranch Community Church

3 years ago

Join with our Longbranch Community Church family as Pastor John Day explores the root cause of sin & the surpassing joy of contentment. As Christians our main purpose is really quite simple; “We should always strive to glorify God”. Truly, we are all stewards – who are called to be faithful. Amongst other things, that means we all have some occasional gardening to attend to. Don’t forget: “The root must go – or the weed remains.”

Today’s insightful message was accompanied by Ms. Barbara’s stellar piano and followed by 45 minutes of joyful blue grass music – which carried an entirely different gospel message. Truly: today twas a beautiful day to be in the House of the Lord.

*The message was taken from 1st Timothy 6: 3-10 and begins at the 32min/44sec mark. The blue grass jam starts at 1:29/56 and lasts approximately 45 minutes.

Hymns: “I Will Enter His Gates”, “Give Thanks”, “Seek Ye First”, “Jesus, I Am Resting, Resting”.

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