Spanish 101 - Learn How to Tell Time in Spanish for Beginners - Spanish With Profe

3 years ago

In this video we will learn how to Tell Time in Spanish. Telling time in Spanish involves the following:

¿Qué hora es? What time is it?
Your answer will vary according to the time
for 1am or 1pm
Es la una.
For a time between 2 and 12
You would say
Son las dos
Son las tres
Son las cuatro

¿Qué hora es? Es la una (for one) & Son las (for 2-12)

12pm (noon) can be said in two ways
Son las doce or Es el mediodía
12am (Midnight)
Son las doce or Es la medianoche

In Spanish unlike in English ONLY 1 o'clock is singular while the other hours are plural as they involve more than one number.
Key words to remember:
hora (f) = hour
día (m) = day
noche (f) = night
cuarto = quarter
medio or media= half
menos= minus but in telling time it means "till"
de la mañana= in the morning (In Spanish we use "de" for time specific)
de la tarde= in the afternoon (In Spanish we use "de" for time specific)
de la noche= in the evening/in the night (In Spanish we use "de" for time specific)

9:30am Son las nueve y media de la mañana or Son las nueve y treinta de la mañana.
1:15pm Es la una y cuarto de la tarde or Es la una y quince de la tarde
7:45pm Son las ocho menos cuarto de la noche (You would put the next whole hour and substract (take away) the minutes until that hour.

To ask at what time an event is you would say:
¿A qué hora es ...? What time is...?
E.G. ¿A qué hora es la clase de español? What time is the Spanish class?
La clase de español es a las diez de la mañana. The Spanish class is at ten in the morning.
¿A qué horas vas al trabajo? What time do you go to work?
Voy al trabajo a las seis de la mañana. I go to work at six in the morning.

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